Thursday, December 10, 2009

Coins For Change Is Here Again!

Hey guys! Have you seen the new updates yet? They are REALLY cool WOOT! Some of them include Christmas party construction, Rockhopper , catologs, and of course coins for change! I have done coins for change once before but it started WAY back in 2007! So its been going a LOOONG time LOL! Well enough with the chit chat! Ill show you the new cheats for Club Penguin!

You can also donate to Poor kids, kids who are sick, or the enviroment!

You can donate 50 coins, 250 coins or even 500 coins!

I already donated like 10000 coins! How many are you gonna donate? Can you donate 40000 coins? Hmmmm the test is on! So do the right thing donate!

- Pingu19879, Club Penguin Cheats President