Monday, November 30, 2009

New mission poll!

Hey peoples! Whats new with you? I know whats new with club penguin! Do you? Well I'll tell you! Billybob has made a new post on the club penguin whats new blog about a vote on what kind of glasses you guys would like to earn in a new club penguin mission WOOT! Heres the glasses you can chose from!

Also there might be a new famous penguin to help with the new mission! How cool is that?! I wonder what her background will look like! If there is one. Heres a picture of the "new" famous penguin!

How totally AWESOME does that look?! I cant wait! Lots of penguins are exited like me! :-) Hmmmm what do you think mission 11 will be about? I think it will be something about those seeds that Herbert showed us at the end of mission 10. Hmmm this will leave us wondering!
Click here to vote for the new glasses you will earn in mission 11! I like the first glasses comment and tell us what you like the best!

- Pingu19879,Club Penguin Cheats President