Friday, November 20, 2009

How to become a mod?

Hey Ive decided to add a mod list! pretty cool hey! This post is all about the rules of how to become a mod!

  • Dont speak in all caps please you'll break my eardrum!
  • You can be funny strange and wierd but dont be stupid please!
  • Dont use TO many !!!!!!!! or ?????????? Its hard to understand!
  • Fish aren't mean so why are you?
  • Dont be a cold fish make your comments fun!
  • Dont make your comments TO long life story here we come!
These are the rules to becoming a mod PLEASE follow these rules or you will be put off the mod list!



Llorens1 said...


Zac Parker said...

Your Awesome

Jamie4532 said...

Llorens1 said...

It is cool hey? So are you gonna try your hardest to be a mod on this site?

~Jamie4532~ (PCPC MOD)

james said...

i agree to be a mod and i agree to the rules

Pingu19879 said...

james said...
i agree to be a mod and i agree to the rules
You have to work to be a mod you cant just become one with the click of a finger! lol!