Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Party changed mod and WORD broken!

Hey guys as you may have noticed I wasnt at my own party :O
The reason of that was because I was actully at school lol!
So the date will be changed to the 10th of october (saturday for aussies friday for americans)
the time is 2:30 pst 7:30 (aussies) sorry americans dont know your time :O Hope you guys can come :D That would be really cool! Now I will be adding mods very soon! so get commenting! lol!
last and definatly least! microsoft word on my computer is broken:( that means I cant post ANY pics:( So if danlour can will you post all the new pics and everything until word gets fixed ok thanks :(D lol nice face!


rox nitro said...

can i be a mod plz thanks oh. and first comment woo hoo